When I woke up this morning, I've decided not to attend tonight's cluster teaching because of the school requirements that I need to accomplish. Le sigh! But I don't want Satan to be happy so I attended our Lenten Recollection. I jotted down some notes for my personal use however when I went home and read my notes, I was surprised to what I've written (actually typed on my mobile phone haha). And I thought of posting it here so I can share what I learned tonight.
The speaker who happened to be our cluster leader, started his talk by asking us if we know what ALCOPEO means? A reverberating NO was the crowd's answer. It's actually the Catholic Liturgical Calendar.
A - Advent
C - Christmas
O - Ordinary time
L - Lent
P - Paschal Triduum
E - Easter (highest celebration of the Catholic Faith)
O - Ordinary time (ending - Christ the King)
The Liturgical Calendar follows a three year cycle, each year being represented by the letters, A, B and C. The year A cycle, the Gospel of Matthew is the primary Gospel that is used for the readings. In year B, Mark is the primary Gospel. In year C Luke is the primary Gospel. The Gospel of John is proclaimed on particular Sundays in each of the years.
After discussing about the Liturgical Calendar, kuya Dyops shared today's Gospel. It's about the rich man who committed the sin of omission. (for today's reading click here)
Fast and abstain twice a year, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
We were asked...How did you spend Lent, last year? Will you have a more spirit-filled Lent this year?
Lent means Spring. Quaresma in Spanish or 40 days.
The speaker also mentioned about the Temptation of Jesus in the desert ( Matt. 4:1-4)
3 Very Important Things in Overcoming Temptation:
1. He was led by the Holy Spirit
Pray everyday for God's Spirit:
for a better resolution, click the photo |
2. He was guided by God's Word
- Be faithful to your Prayer time.
- Read Catholic Christian book.
- Attend your Household meeting regularly and other SFC meetings.
- Intensify your thirst for God's word.
3. He fasted for 40 days...
- When we fast, the intention is always spiritual and it is about food. It declares that God is above even to our basic needs.
- When we fast, instead of eating, we should pray, read the Scripture, go before the Blessed Sacrament, and meditate.
*The Challenge: Fast on Holy Week (Yes, Fast for Seven Days)*
7 steps to do Fasting:
1. Write your intentions (include the success of the CLPs)
2. Choose your kind of fasting
- Water fast (water only)
- Juice fast (juice only, e.g. carrot juice)
- Bread and water fast (hamburger is not included, walang palaman okay?! hehe)
- One-meal-a-day fast
- Small-meals fast
4. Begin your fast and do it "privately." (don't look like you're fasting, don't tell it to anyone) Expect that the first 2-3 days would be very difficult and it may have some physical side effects. (like bad breath, because your body is detoxifying)
5. Grow closer to God, without this, the fast may become meaningless.
6. Break your fast to adjust to real food just as you did before you started the fast. no oil, dairy products and meat during the adjustment period.
7. Adopt the best stuff into a permanent lifestyle that may be too good to limit only to serve days a year. Bless your body and bless your soul.
"The season of LENT reminds us that the life we have and the material possessions we hold are simply LENT to us. We are but pilgrims here on earth who will pass by only once. We bring nothing when we die. But we can leave behind the love we've shared, the hope we have given and the goodness we have done."
May we all have a meaningful Lent!
happiness for you,